Frequency of Wealth

Embody Your Wealth Magnetism

Are you ready to unlock the secrets to effortless abundance and magnetize wealth in all areas of your life?
Do you desire to align your energy, mindset, and actions with the frequency of wealth and experience a profound transformation in your financial reality?  

The truth is, creating wealth isn't just about what you do – it's about who you are being and the energy you emit. When you align your mindset, emotions, and actions with the frequency of wealth, you become a magnet for abundance, effortlessly attracting opportunities and resources into your life. 

That's why we created "Frequency of Wealth: Embody Your Wealth Magnetism" – a transformative 30-day Telegram mini mastermind designed specifically for women who are ready to unlock their inner wealth frequency and create the abundant reality they deserve. 

Led by renowned mentors Sarah Dumas and Michele Laine, this immersive journey combines ancient numerology wisdom, cutting-edge manifestation techniques, and practical wealth-building strategies to help you:
  • Heal your relationship with money and release limiting beliefs that have been blocking your financial flow
  • Activate your unique wealth frequency and align your energy with the vibration of abundance, making wealth attraction effortless
  • Reprogram your mind for success, developing a magnetic mindset that naturally draws in financial blessings and opportunities
  • Cultivate unshakeable confidence and trust in yourself and your ability to create the wealth you desire
  • Implement proven strategies to amplify your income, impact, and fulfillment in your business and life
Through daily reflections, personalized guidance, and the support of a high-vibe sisterhood, you'll experience a profound transformation from the inside out, shifting your relationship with money and unlocking your innate potential to create wealth with ease.
Here's what's included in your "Frequency of Wealth" experience:
  • 30 days of exclusive access to Sarah and Michele's expertise, insights, and wealth manifestation techniques 
  • Daily reflections and prompts to guide your journey of energetic and financial transformation
  • A private Telegram community of like-minded women to celebrate your breakthroughs, provide support, and hold you accountable
  • Numerology reflections to unlock your unique wealth code and align with your soul's path to abundance Personalized numerology readings to uncover your unique wealth code and align with your soul's path to abundance

This is your invitation to step into the frequency of wealth, embody your magnetic power, and create the financially abundant life you've always dreamed of. No more struggling, striving, or settling – it's time to claim your birthright of prosperity and joy.

Join Sarah Dumas and Michele Laine for this life-changing 30-day experience and unlock the secrets to effortless wealth manifestation. Your abundant future is waiting – all you have to do is align with your wealth frequency.

Grab your spot now and get ready to embody your wealth magnetism like never before!

We start Monday May 20th!


Frequency of Wealth

$777 USD

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About Your Guides:

Sarah Dumas is a renowned Visionary Mentor and Money Coach dedicated to empowering ambitious women to achieve 7 and 8-figure success. With an impressive track record of scaling 10 companies to multimillion and billion-dollar levels, Sarah expertly guides high-achieving women to unlock their wealth frequency, scale their businesses, and create lives of prosperity, purpose, and abundance.

 "Working with Sarah was indeed a gift! I found her during a live on a Facebook Community Group Chat and her insight was spot on and I immediately booked a one-on-one session with her. Sarah has a very kind, welcoming spirit and I was immediately comfortable and knew I was in a safe space with someone I can learn from. I look forward to many more sessions with Sarah and I highly recommend her services to anyone seeking business guidance and personal growth.

Santia Tatum
CEO, Founder - Carabella Marketing

 "I took Sarah’s 12 week abundance code class. It helped me learn so much about how to release some of my limited beliefs surrounding money! Figuring out where they came from and letting them go. It was very helpful to really think about what my desires and outcomes are especially for my business. I have started seeing the results at the very beginning of the class as I made my money back that I paid for the class within 3 days of signing up. The month of January was my biggest month yet in sales in 3 years! I learned more about how to set boundaries in all areas of my life! Such an amazing learning experience! I highly recommend taking this course!

Michelle Kirk
CEO - Peaceful Dreams Healing

Michele Laine is a Master Numerologist, Intuitive Strategist, Conscious Channel, Best-Selling Author, and Founder and Facilitator of Elevate Women's Wellness Retreats. Combining the ancient system of numerology with powerful energy healing and emotional mastery techniques, Michele guides you to heal the body-mind, raise your energetic frequency, and express the fullness of your creative potential.

"Michelle has a magical sweet spot of creating a safe space to dream about your offerings, your expansion, and all the pure potential your higher self holds for you. She asks all the right questions, without intervening or inserting her own agenda, and she allows her clients to reach their own version of the truth, with clarity, intention, and release of what no longer supports them. Her eyes are the mirrors of your own dreams, and when you see through them, they come to life with ease and vibrancy, just like Michelle's personal coaching style."


"I have had the honor of working with Michele with her coaching, energy expansion work, and most recently numerology. Michele loves what she does and it shows! She has genuine devotion to her practice. She helps her clients gain the self awareness needed to spur personal expansion. Her last yearly numerology reading has helped me navigate and understand some ups and downs in my life, gain greater awareness and intuition and grow with the confidence I need for my own personal expansion.” 

Jo Danehy

Together, Sarah and Michele bring a potent blend of practical strategy, intuitive wisdom, and transformative energy to guide you on a life-changing journey of wealth embodiment and magnetic manifestation. Don't miss this opportunity to align with the frequency of wealth and unlock your magnetic power. Choose limitless abundance now – join Frequency of Wealth today!


Frequency of Wealth

$777 USD

I want in!

 "It was amazing what Sarah could accomplish in such a short phone call.. we uncovered my limiting beliefs around money, and I really felt a huge energy shift around possibilities for actually charging what I’m worth! Sarah has walked this walk and can guide you to greater abundance.

Kathleen Friend
Founder, CEO

 "Sarah is an amazing coach. Her intuitive business coaching and skills are very much needed. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be coached by you. When she invites you; you will definitely feel welcomed. Thank you love for sharing and assisting me. I look forward to more time with you. You are appreciated!!!

Sharnita Williams

 "Sarah has a beautiful balance of intuition and business and she knows how to marry the two... I was fortunate to one of Sarah's courses and she shared techniques that are truly value for life where I can now put these things into practice... if you are lucky enough to work with her, then please take it up - she's amazing!

Joanne Esposito
Founder, CEO - The C Spot

 "Working with Sarah is amazing. She was able to tap in to provide intuitive guidance for me personally and my business while also being able to give practical steps to take to move forward in business. I love being able to have the two together. I felt completely safe and supported. She understood what I needed and took extra time on the call to help me. I highly recommend working with Sarah in anyway that you can!

Kimberly Pullig