Empowered Leadership

Elevating Your Emotional Intelligence and Executive Presence

Unlock Your Full Leadership Potential and Skyrocket Your Success

Discover the secrets to aligning your purpose-driven mission with a thriving business, communicating with clarity and conviction, and inspiring others to join you.

Dear Ambitious Visionary Woman,
As a heart-centered leader in the transformative industry, your work is not just a career - it's a calling to facilitate growth, healing, and change in the lives of those you serve. But in a world where the pressure to conform to traditional leadership models is relentless, it's easy to feel like you're constantly torn between your authentic style and the "proven" strategies for success.

Perhaps you find yourself holding back in high-stakes meetings or sales conversations, second-guessing your decisions, or struggling to build authentic connections with your clients, or team. Maybe you've watched others in your industry soar to new heights, wondering, "What do they have that I don't?" 

Here's the truth: You already possess the innate wisdom and power to be an extraordinary leader. The key lies in unlocking your emotional intelligence, trusting your intuition, and cultivating a presence that magnetizes your ideal clients and inspires them to embrace their own journey of transformation. 

Imagine waking up each day, radiating with unshakable confidence in your unique leadership style and the courage to show up authentically in every interaction. Picture yourself artfully navigating complex client relationships, holding space for breakthroughs and growth, and communicating your message with clarity and conviction, all while remaining true to your heart-centered values. Envision stepping into any room (or virtual space) and effortlessly captivating your audience, leaving them feeling seen, understood, and eager to work with you.

That's the power of Empowered Leadership.
In this transformative program, you'll discover how to:
  • Develop deep self-awareness and emotional mastery, allowing you to lead with authenticity and resilience 
  • Communicate your unique message and offerings with clarity, conviction, and passion, magnetizing your ideal clients and inspiring them to take action
  • Cultivate unshakable confidence in your innate wisdom and unique gifts, trusting yourself to show up and lead with authenticity and impact  
  • Create transformative experiences that foster deep trust, lasting results, and passionate advocacy for your work
  • Navigate challenging dynamics and power structures with savvy and integrity  
  • Inspire, motivate, and bring out the best in those around you, even in times of change and uncertainty  
  • Leverage your unique leadership style to stand out, rise up, and achieve your boldest business and career aspirations
This isn't just another generic leadership course. Empowered Leadership is a transformative journey designed specifically for ambitious women like you who are ready to stop playing small and start claiming your rightful place as an industry leader. Through a potent blend of practical strategies, soulful wisdom, and personalized support, you'll gain the mindset, skills, and unshakable confidence to thrive as the powerful heart-centered leader you were born to be.

As your guide on this journey, I bring over 15 years of experience as an executive leader and visionary mentor, as well as a deep passion for empowering high-achieving women to unleash their full leadership potential. I've helped countless female leaders, from emerging entrepreneurs to seasoned executives, shatter glass ceilings, multiply their influence, and achieve extraordinary success on their own terms. And now, I'm here to help you do the same.

Your authentic leadership is needed now more than ever. If you're ready to embrace your calling, empower your clients, and create a business that sets your soul on fire, then I invite you to join me in Empowered Leadership.

 "Sarah shares techniques that are truly valuable for life where I can now put these things into practice... if you are lucky enough to work with her, then please take it up - she's amazing!" 

Joanne Esposito
Founder, CEO - The C Spot

Working with Sarah helped me learn so much about how to release some of my limited beliefs surrounding money! Figuring out where they came from and letting them go. It was very helpful to really think about what my desires and outcomes are especially for my business. I have started seeing the results at the very beginning of the class as I made my money back that I paid for the class within 3 days of signing up. The month of January was my biggest month yet in sales in 3 years! I learned more about how to set boundaries in all areas of my life! Such an amazing learning experience! I highly recommend taking this course!

Michelle Kirk
CEO - Peaceful Dreams Healing
This starts June 17

Your next level of leadership awaits. The only question is, will you step up and claim it?

If you're still on the fence, consider this:

the world needs more brilliant, heart-centered women like you in positions of power and influence. By saying yes to Empowered Leadership, you're not just investing in your own success - you're paving the way for a more compassionate, collaborative, and impactful world. Whether you're transforming lives through your coaching, revolutionizing your industry, or creating a ripple effect of positive change, your empowered leadership is the key.

Let's rise together and leave a legacy that will impact generations to come.

VIP - Empowered Leadership

$3333 USD

  • Includes 4x Private Coaching Calls with Sarah

    • 4x Private 1:1 Calls with Sarah
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Empowered Leadership

$2222 USD

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Payment Plans available on request
Send an email to Sarah@AbundanceDaily.com or message me on IG @TheMoneyCoach888

 "Working with Sarah was indeed a gift! Her insight was spot on and I immediately booked a one-on-one session with her. Sarah has a very kind, welcoming spirit and I was immediately comfortable and knew I was in a safe space with someone I can learn from. I look forward to many more sessions with Sarah and I highly recommend her services to anyone seeking business guidance and personal growth.

Santia Tatum
CEO, Founder - Carabella Marketing

 "It was amazing what Sarah could accomplish in such a short phone call.. we uncovered my limiting beliefs around money, and I really felt a huge energy shift around possibilities for actually charging what I’m worth! Sarah has walked this walk and can guide you to greater abundance.

Kathleen Friend
Founder, CEO

 "Sarah is an amazing coach. Her intuitive business coaching and skills are very much needed. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be coached by you. When she invites you; you will definitely feel welcomed. Thank you love for sharing and assisting me. I look forward to more time with you. You are appreciated!!!

Sharnita Williams

 "Working with Sarah is amazing. She was able to tap in to provide intuitive guidance for me personally and my business while also being able to give practical steps to take to move forward in business. I love being able to have the two together. I felt completely safe and supported. She understood what I needed and took extra time on the call to help me. I highly recommend working with Sarah in anyway that you can!

Kimberly Pullig