Abundance Vortex Mastermind

An Extraordinary Year-Long Mastermind for Empowered Female Leaders

Are you a high-achieving woman entrepreneur ready to reclaim your power and scale to 7-figures?

The Abundance Vortex Mastermind is the premier coaching program for ambitious female business leaders desiring wealth, impact and integration of work/life.

For too long, women entrepreneurs have had to choose between building a wildly profitable 6-figure or 7-figure business and having personal fulfillment with time for family. This exclusive 12-month mastermind will help you smash through these limits. 

Introducing The Abundance Vortex Mastermind- a transformative coaching experience for women business owners who want it all:

  • Multi-7-Figure Business Growth Without Sacrificing Self-Care or Family
  • A Supportive Sisterhood That Celebrates Your Boldest Visions (No More Dimming Your Light)
  • High-Level Mentorship to Unleash Your Brilliance & Manifest True Wealth-Impact Freedom
Over this 12-month journey, you'll activate your highest potential and learn to:
  • Master Your Abundant Mindset as a Wealthy Woman Influencer
  • Skyrocket Your Income by Operating in Your Feminine Power & Genius Zone
  • Naturally Attract Your Dream Premium Clients Through Magnetic Selling
  • Streamline Your Businesses for Maximum Profits & Time Abundance
  • Deeply Integrate Life & Business for Personal Empowerment & Fulfillment
  • Step Into Your Legacy Leadership as a Prosperous Woman of Impact

No more playing small or abandoning self-care to scale your women-owned business. This transformative mastermind provides women entrepreneurs like you with all the coaching, mentorship and support needed to grow a massively abundant 7-figure enterprise on your terms.
Imagine a year from now walking in your power as a wealthy woman CEO...with a wildly profitable business, schedule mastery, luxurious self-care rituals, quality family time, and an amazing global sisterhood.

The Abundance Vortex Mastermind makes this dream a reality through:
  • Access to ALL my programs for 12 months
  • 12 months of Immersive Group Mastermind Coaching Sessions (Hot Seat Coaching)
  • The Abundance Vortex™ 7-Figure Business Growth Curriculum
  • Exclusive Global Sisterhood and Mastermind Community of Prosperous Women Entrepreneurs
  • Personalized Accountability Partnership for Maximum Implementation
I have started seeing the results at the very beginning! I made my money back within 3 days of signing up. Then I had my biggest month then I ever had in 3 years! I learned more about how to set boundaries in all areas of my life! Such an amazing learning experience!
Michele Kirk
Intuitive Therapist - Peaceful Dreams Healing
When I started working with Sarah I loved helping others, but I felt a disconnect with it all. The way my business was set up was not lighting me up! I knew I was suppose to be doing something so much bigger. My business was suffering, it was dead. Then I worked with Sarah. Within 2 months my business was revived back to life! I am happy to announce, I am now FULLY BOOKED! This is the first time this has ever happened in the 3 years I've been in business!!
Hollie Ruwe
Psychic Medium - Eternal Flame Healing

This is an extremely limited opportunity and boutique experience. The Abundance Vortex Mastermind is for 20 highly-driven women ready to rise into their next level of wealth, impact and fulfillment.  

If that's you, don't let this life-changing experience pass you by. Join now for priority enrollment.

It's time for you, the empowered woman entrepreneur, to unleash your brilliance, ignite your Abundance Vortex and create the legacy-impact business, wealth and lifestyle you desire and deserve.  

Your light, vision and prosperity is needed in this world now more than ever.

P.S for a very LIMITED time you get an exclusive BONUS:
  • 4 Private 1-on-1 VIP Coaching Calls (worth $10,000)

Flexible Commitment Option: While The Abundance Vortex Mastermind is a transformative 12-month experience, we understand that every woman's journey is unique. That's why we offer a flexible monthly enrollment option with a minimum 3-month commitment. This allows you to join the mastermind and experience the power of this sisterhood and coaching on your terms. 

*If you want to elect this option, just select the "Pay Monthly" below. After the 3 month commitment is met, if you no longer wish to continue, you can email us to cancel. Please note, access to all programs end at the time of cancelation.

Course Pricing

Pay in Full

$8888 USD

Sign Me Up!

Pay Monthly

12 payments of

$888 USD

per month

Sign Me Up!

 "Working with Sarah was indeed a gift! I found her during a live on a Facebook Community Group Chat and her insight was spot on and I immediately booked a one-on-one session with her. Sarah has a very kind, welcoming spirit and I was immediately comfortable and knew I was in a safe space with someone I can learn from. I look forward to many more sessions with Sarah and I highly recommend her services to anyone seeking business guidance and personal growth.

Santia Tatum
CEO, Founder - Carabella Marketing

 "I took Sarah’s 12 week abundance code class. It helped me learn so much about how to release some of my limited beliefs surrounding money! Figuring out where they came from and letting them go. It was very helpful to really think about what my desires and outcomes are especially for my business. I have started seeing the results at the very beginning of the class as I made my money back that I paid for the class within 3 days of signing up. The month of January was my biggest month yet in sales in 3 years! I learned more about how to set boundaries in all areas of my life! Such an amazing learning experience! I highly recommend taking this course!

Michelle Kirk
CEO - Peaceful Dreams Healing

 "It was amazing what Sarah could accomplish in such a short phone call.. we uncovered my limiting beliefs around money, and I really felt a huge energy shift around possibilities for actually charging what I’m worth! Sarah has walked this walk and can guide you to greater abundance.

Kathleen Friend
Founder, CEO

 "Sarah is an amazing coach. Her intuitive business coaching and skills are very much needed. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be coached by you. When she invites you; you will definitely feel welcomed. Thank you love for sharing and assisting me. I look forward to more time with you. You are appreciated!!!

Sharnita Williams

 "Sarah has a beautiful balance of intuition and business and she knows how to marry the two... I was fortunate to one of Sarah's courses and she shared techniques that are truly value for life where I can now put these things into practice... if you are lucky enough to work with her, then please take it up - she's amazing!

Joanne Esposito
Founder, CEO - The C Spot

 "Working with Sarah is amazing. She was able to tap in to provide intuitive guidance for me personally and my business while also being able to give practical steps to take to move forward in business. I love being able to have the two together. I felt completely safe and supported. She understood what I needed and took extra time on the call to help me. I highly recommend working with Sarah in anyway that you can!

Kimberly Pullig